PKL Kuznice 13, Zakopane
Arrival 19 September 2024
Departure 20 September 2024
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Information on the processing of personal data as part of social media

  1. Apartamenty Kuźnice 13
  2. RODO
  3. Information on the processing of personal data as part of social media
INFORMATION ON THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA WITHIN SOCIAL MEDIA We would like to inform you that the administrator of personal data of users visiting, commenting and being active on PKL social media, in particular on Facebook and Instagram (hereinafter: "Profile"), is Polskie Koleje Linowe S.A. based in Zakopane (34-500), ul. Bachledy 7D (hereinafter: "Administrator"). In matters related to the processing of personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Inspector: by e-mail: or in writing to the address of the Administrator's office (indicated above). The Administrator will process personal data identifying users on social media and left by them when visiting the Profile, i.e.: name, surname, profile photo, comments, likes, online identifiers. The administrator may also process personal data that the user provides in private correspondence, for example within the Messenger application. In connection with maintaining the Profile, the Administrator may process personal data for the following purposes and based on the following processing bases: in order to maintain the official PKL Profile on social media, under the terms and conditions specified by social media platform providers, including to inform about the Administrator's business activity and the PKL Group, to which the Administrator belongs (hereinafter referred to as the "PKL Group"), promoting the brand, products, services and events organized by the Administrator and/or the PKL Group, in order to communicate with users and respond to inquiries regarding products, services and other information regarding the Administrator and the PKL Group, via the available functionalities of the social networking site (comments, private messages) - and the basis for processing is the legitimate interest pursued by the Administrator in the form of marketing the brand, products, services and events organized by the Administrator and/or the PKL Group, contact and defense or pursuit of potential claims (Article 6 section 1 letter f GDPR). to the extent that for the implementation of the above-mentioned promotional purpose, a competition is organized in which social media users can take part - personal data may be processed for the purpose of organizing and conducting the competition, selecting winners and issuing prizes - and the basis for their processing is the necessity to perform the contract or take action before concluding it on user's request (including in particular regulations resulting from the competition regulations, Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR), fulfillment of legal obligations incumbent on the Administrator, including in particular tax/accounting obligations (Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR) and legally justified interest pursued by the Administrator in the form of marketing products and services of the Administrator and/or the PKL Group, contact and defense or pursuit of potential claims (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR), for analytical and statistical purposes - based on the legitimate interest pursued by the Administrator and/or the PKL Group, in the form of marketing and business development of the Administrator and/or the PKL Group (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). The recipients of Personal Data may be: partners belonging to the PKL Group; business partners of the Administrator - in particular those providing technical support, IT service providers, entities providing marketing services, including those supporting the Administrator in marketing the Profile and organizing competitions and events promoting the PKL brand, entities providing advisory/legal services; entities authorized under the law. Providing Personal Data is voluntary, but the consequence of not providing the data will be the inability to view PKL Profiles on social networking sites, leave comments/messages or participate in competitions. Personal data are stored by the Administrator for the period of operation of the Profile on the social networking site, but not shorter than for the period resulting from the provisions of law (when this basis applies) or until the expiry of the limitation period for possible claims - depending on which of these periods is longer. Personal data is not transferred outside the European Economic Area. Personal data are not subject to automated decision-making processes and profiling. The User has the right to access personal data (including the right to obtain a copy), request their rectification, deletion or limitation of processing, object to their processing, transfer them to another administrator, as well as the right to lodge a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office - on the terms arising from legal provisions. Regardless of the principles of personal data protection indicated above, the Administrator informs that in accordance with the rules of operation of social networking sites Facebook and Instagram, the co-controller of users' personal data is the owner of these portals, i.e. Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (hereinafter: "Meta"). In this respect, an extract of the joint controllers' arrangements regarding data processing for statistical purposes is available here: Please remember that despite joint responsibility on the part of the operator of the social networking site, the Administrator does not have full influence on the data processing operations of this portal. Our options depend largely on the supplier's company policy. Detailed information can be found in Meta's privacy policy:


A number of amenities and the location of the "Kuźnice 13" Apartments create ideal conditions for relaxation for people looking for rooms in the mountains or rooms close to the trails.
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